Sunday, January 5, 2014

How to Make Snow Ice Cream!

Snow glorious snow!  Who doesn’t love the snow – well for starters MY MOM! Too bad she lives in West Virginia where they are blessed with plenty of it! I thought because of all the snow storms headed our way I would share one of my favorite child memories that I passed along to my daughter. - Snow Ice Cream

When my daughter was little, she and her friends would start with their “snow day ritual” any time the weathermen started predicting snow (they never figured out that the weatherman was usually wrong, we live in the South.)  If you aren’t familiar with it, it consisted of flushing ice down the toilet, wear your pajamas inside out and backwards, sleep with a spoon under the pillow, run around the table 10 times clockwise and place a white crayon on the windowsill. Now, what the girls didn’t know was that I had a counter ritual to prevent snow days!  This consisted of flushing hot water down the toilet, wear your pajamas the correct way, sleep with a fork under your pillow, run around the table 10 times counter-clockwise and place a yellow crayon on the windowsill.  Happily, mine worked more than theirs!

But, when the snow would actually come, WE never missed making Snow Ice Cream! 

Make Snow Ice Cream!

Yep, you heard me right – Snow Ice Cream. Follow the link to see how to make snow ice cream! This recipe from Sugar Pie Farmhouse is the most common, not to mention delicious!

Be sure to let me know if you try this! 


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